Spring is a great time to seed lawns, ground covers, and other seedlings.
While not “out-of-the-woods” so to speak relative to the drought here in California, the increased rain this season makes for ideal spring planting and spring hydroseeding. Spring air temps are cool, soil is moist, and days are sunny but not harsh sun.
Start with a planting plan!
Identify the areas you wanted seeded. Decide what type of seed you will need. And assess the area prep needed. Click here to learn more about hydroseeding preparation.
Seed Selection
Select your hydroseeding contractor early. Make sure your hydroseeding company has the seed inventory desired for your project. Engaging earlier will allow your contractor to order any special seeds or supplies needed for your project.
Call Us For Assistance
If you are interested in learning about hydroseeding, area planning, or seed options. Call us for a free consultation. 951.680-1949