Don’t Let Rabbits Ruin Your Lawn
Here are some great tips for improving your lawn this fall!
Now You Can Think About Other Things!
We love this list of fun things to do in your backyard!
While many of these water saving ideas may seem too obvious, it is surprising how many homeowners we see wasting water in these ways. As a result of the prolonged California drought, water prices are on the rise. Taking inventory of your outdoor water usage may be worth the time and effort.
From all of us at Canyon Hydroseeding!
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TRIPLE CROWN EXTREME DROUGHT TOLERANT TALL FESCUE Is a blend of three elite turf-type tall fescues specifically selected for California. “Triple Crown” exhibits outstanding dark green color and fine texture with improved mowability and is one of the most drought and wear tolerant of cool season grasses. We have had dramatic success with this seed…
Spring is a great time to seed lawns, ground covers, and other seedlings. While not “out-of-the-woods” so to speak relative to the drought here in California, the increased rain this season makes for ideal spring planting and spring hydroseeding. Spring air temps are cool, soil is moist, and days are sunny but not harsh sun. Start…
Are You Ready For It? Rising ocean temperatures near the equatorial Pacific and diminishing trade winds continue to indicate a strong El Niño climate pattern could bring much-needed rain to Southern California, according to the latest update from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration forecasters. It’s unclear whether this year’s conditions in the Pacific will develop as…